Including other genocides in Holocaust remembrance draws attention from the tragedy of Jewish suffering
By Baroness Ruth Deech
By Daniel Finkelstein
Some say that including other genocides in the annual event diminishes its message. That’s nonsense.
I was in a hospital bed on Holocaust Memorial Day so couldn’t join in any official commemorations. Instead, I talked to my physiotherapst about Jewish loss and it felt meaningful
By Karen E H Skinazi
By Gaby Wine
Mainstream schools need to take a long hard look at how they teach the Holocaust to ensure pupils are learning the facts
High school student drew parallels between Gaza and Holocaust at Leicester HMD event
By Jane Prinsley
One of the speakers at the event allegedly made ‘deeply offensive’ comments regarding the Gaza War during commemorations
By Jake Wallis Simons
Holocaust Memorial Day has been so debased that it is no longer fit for purpose
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Commemorative events took place up and down the country
Jewish groups have called on the Conservative Party to take ‘firm disciplinary action’ over the comments
By Lorin Bell-Cross
In his address at the 80th anniversary ceremony at the death camp, the Jewish leader references October 7 in a powerful wake-up call
By Daniel Ben-David
The Foreign Office and Israeli Embassy jointly hosted the ceremony to mark the 80th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz
One Labour MP labelled the motion ‘shameful’ and ‘disgusting’ in comments to the JC
This year’s ceremony was also attended by the Prince and Princess of Wales
By Ellie Grant
Pro-regime chair of IHRC has spoken at numerous events in Iran organised by the Basij Resistance Force
The shameful manhandling of a Jewish woman at a Holocaust Memorial Day event is just Dublin’s latest disgrace
His Majesty also went to a community centre inspired by his conversation with a Holocaust survivor, which sits just miles from the site of the camp